Welcome to Sandro Mentastiemanuele2022-10-07T15:16:17+02:00

Riding for Change

welcome to Sandro Mentasti


for your big challenges

Sandro Mentasti is an Italian company specialized in the molding of plastic and rubber materials.

For more than 75 years we have been doing just one thing to the best of our ability, proving to our clients that honesty, reputation, focus and hard work are the key to success.

Sandro Mentasti is a “Human to Human” company, a skilled, reliable and flexible partner to face your great challenges and express your best value.

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for your big challenges

Sandro Mentasti is an Italian company specialized in the molding of plastic and rubber materials.

For more than 75 years we have been doing just one thing to the best of our ability, proving to our clients that honesty, reputation, focus and hard work are the key to success.

Sandro Mentasti is a “Human to Human” company, a skilled, reliable and flexible partner to face your great challenges and express your best value.

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Sandro Mentasti - pagina inglese metodo


to deliver tangible results

Sandro Mentasti is a product oriented company with a strong vocation to service, either in standard or custom projects.

In more than 75 years we have developed an solid method to transform the most creative ideas into practical solutions, while ensuring environmental sustainability, optimizing energy and resources, respecting the planet, the people and the animals who live in it.

From A to Z, we are the partner to achieve your most critical and strategic goals, “driving safe” and limiting avoidable costs and risks .


to deliver tangible results

Sandro Mentasti is a product oriented company with a strong vocation to service, either in standard or custom projects.

In more than 75 years we have developed an solid method to transform the most creative ideas into practical solutions, while ensuring environmental sustainability, optimizing energy and resources, respecting the planet, the people and the animals who live in it.

From A to Z, we are the partner to achieve your most critical and strategic goals, “driving safe” and limiting avoidable costs and risks .

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to perform at the highest level

We don’t like the word product. Our ability is designing and delivering functional, tangible and effective solutions to improve performances.

We guarantee a certified quality of products, processes and services, thanks to our short production chain, industrial method and operative skills.

In our “first 75 years” of  life, we have built important skills and experiences in designing, molding and manufacturing  technical components made of plastic and rubber

Sandro Mentasti inglese - soluzioni


to perform at the highest level

We don’t like the word product. Our ability is designing and delivering functional, tangible and effective solutions to improve performances.

We guarantee a certified quality of products, processes and services, thanks to our short production chain, industrial method and operative skills.

In our “first 75 years” of  life, we have built important skills and experiences in designing, molding and manufacturing  technical components made of plastic and rubber

Sandro Mentasti inglese - soluzioni
Sandro Mentasti inglese - our client (1)


is our greatest hero

We prefer the definition of partner rather than client and create solid relationships that last over time, our best way to deliver results, product, process and performance innovation in the most delicate phases of a project: assessing, prototyping, designing, molding, testing and manufacturing.


is our greatest hero

We prefer the definition of partner rather than client and create solid relationships that last over time, our best way to deliver results, product, process and performance innovation in the most delicate phases of a project: assessing, prototyping, designing, molding, testing and manufacturing.

Sandro Mentasti inglese - our client (1)

We are a multi industry company with solid experience in different sectors

The satisfaction of our clients is our real pride

Flexible and reliable partner. Excellent quality level and quick in providing assistance and feedback in case of any urgent requests“.

Ulyana Babala- Purchasing Dept. , BRIDGEPORT

For the handles of our professional products, we have chosen the quality and reliability of Sandro Mentasti

Antonio Vigo - Purchasing Manager, MANFROTTO

In order to maintain our high quality standards, Malossi only relies on suppliers who are able to meet our standards of reliability and product quality, and this is why the choice for the supply of our grips goes to Sandro Mentasti Srl

Alessandra Malossi - Amministratore Delegato, MALOSSI



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the knowledge of 3 generations of passionate people

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